We're a family owned and run business where old traditions still hold. The Taylor family started making fudge twenty four years ago on our farmhouse kitchen Aga. At Veronica Farm, on Bryher on the Isles of Scilly, we now have a purpose built fudge kitchen - still using traditional farmhouse methods.
Our delicious, buttery fudge is freshly handmade in the Veronica Farm fudge kitchen with top quality, local ingredients including Scillonian milk, butter and clotted cream.

The fudge comes with our guarantee of satisfaction. The price quoted includes 1st class postage and packaging.
"Far too delicious..."
Michael Morpurgo, Childrens' Author
As featured on ITV This Morning, Channel 5's Britain by bike, BBC Countryfile, BBC Island Parish.
Highly Commended at the Cornwall Food & Drink Awards